Has it been several months or even years since you’ve done something to your website? If so, your website is certainly due for an update! You’ve got a few options: you could rearchitect your whole website, make some changes to your existing site, or do absolutely nothing. Rearchitecting your site is a last resort, but should be done if customers have difficulties connecting with your brand. Doing nothing is definitely out of the picture because your business has grown and your website needs to grow with it.

That leaves us with updating your existing website. Without performing a major overhaul, there are a few things that you can do othe website development side of things to easily freshen up your site.

1. Update Your Website’s Hero Sections

When visiting any page of your website, the first thing that customers will see is the hero section. In many cases, it’s the section that will make or break someone’s experience and is directly attributable to a high bounce rate. Whether your hero section is problematic or not, updating it is the most effective and easiest thing to do to liven up your website.

In general, the hero section consists of an image, some copy, and a call-to-action (CTA) button. You can update one or all three of these parts. However, the mentality, “if it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it” always holds true, so some pages may not need updates. For sections that need updating, avoid using stock photos if you can. With the success of genAI, you could leverage it to generate pictures and get inspiration for copywriting through effective input prompts.

2. Update the Headers of Each Section

Once you’ve got a bunch of sales under your belt, you’ll know exactly what customers need and their pain points. You need to efficiently and effectively communicate all of this because of two reasons:

  • Most people don’t have the time to read every single word on your website
  • Customers are bombarded daily with so much information and spam.

Capitalize on this and use targeted and relevant headlines so customers can quickly and easily locate information. Also, keep your headlines as succinct as possible without sacrificing the meaning. For example, “Saving Money” is a much weaker headline than “Cut Back on These Hidden Expenses to Save Money.” You want customers to be intrigued to read more.

3. Introduce or Revisit Your Branding Color Palette

Website design is an ever-evolving process. What’s in last year may not be in this year. For example, dark mode. It was extremely popular for years and now people are switching back to light mode. We are part of that movement! Our site went from using a ton of dark colors to using white while accenting more of our branded pink. It wasn’t a major overhaul, but it was a welcome change that we love. Who knows, we may go back to dark mode again!

4. Streamline Your Website Copywriting

We tend to over-explain things our first time around. We use extra words and phrases that aren’t needed, which takes time for our customers to read and comprehend. Again, customers have limited time and we don’t want to waste their time deciphering your message.

With experience though, you can master any subject, allowing you to communicate your message precisely. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and that’s what your customers need! Keep this in mind because the longer it takes customers to “get it”, the sooner they will leave your website for one of your competitors.

The Bottom Line / TLDR

Sometimes, all it takes is a small change to make your website experience better. You can easily update your hero section, headers and callouts, color palette, and content. Before doing any website updates, make sure you base your decisions on your customers and how those decisions will get them to convert faster.

We are website developers out of Columbus, Ohio that can help you make customer-centric decisions to refresh your site. Reach out to Uplancer today for a free consultation.

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